I’m back. Did you miss me? Don’t feel bad; neither did I.
I got up early today, determined to run despite the heat. Weatherbug told me it would be in the 80’s by 11 a.m., so I knew I had to make some big-time haste. I inhaled some soy yogurt (with ground flax seed) for breakfast, fed everyone else, threw on my workout gear and sped to the track. It was only 80°F, but out on the blacktop, it felt like 90°. Thank gad for the wind.
Yesterday, I did 20 minutes on the eliptical and my upper body/ab workout. I was at my sister’s, and I couldn’t find her 3 lb weights, so I used her fours. This morning I woke up to sore abs, but my upper body feels pretty good. So maybe I should increase my weights? I dunno. Anyway.
The warm up was good, the first 90 second run was good, though my calves hurt a bit afterwards. The first 3 minute run was okay, but my calves were in agony during the three minute walk. I was, once again, doubtful of my ability to finish the second half. I kicked my ass, though, and pushed through. The second 3 minute run was a killer, but I had been taking it easy since the beginning, not doing much more than a fast walk. I haven’t run in exactly two weeks, so I didn’t want to overdo it. I started out thinking it’d be fine if I couldn’t finish, but I’m really, really, really glad I was able to. It would have killed me to think I’d hit another setback.
I wasn’t thinking I’d do the entire five minute cool down, but I did. The wind had picked up again and I was still pretty revved up, so I took the time to cool down properly and then stretched in the shade by the church.
I’m home now, doing laundry and having a snack, and in a few minutes I’ll do my lower body workout. I’m definitely keeping up with the aerobic/strength training; I’ll never move forward without them.
In the past couple of weeks, I have learned a few things about myself:
- Life without exercise/stretching isn’t worth the pain.
- I am physically incapable of drinking.
- When it comes to our animals, my sister is the good cop.
- I think maybe I can go up to 4 lb weights now.
- I have ADD.
Due to a bit of a life upheaval (someone else’s personal shit I won’t get into here), I haven’t worked out regularly in a month. So I guess being able to push through Week 3 again today was pretty amazing? Regardless, I’ve been in a lot of pain lately, and I know it’s from not working out or stretching. Once again, I can see that it’s NOT. WORTH. IT. to slack off. There’s no excuse.
I drank a bottle of blackberry wine while I was housesitting for my sister a few weeks ago, and aside from having some pretty funny drunken IMs (where I said things like
”I put foam hats on my rubbr duckies” and
”I feel fine, I”m jst having roulbe spelling a ltitle bit. IT’s ridiculous” and
“fuckk hat guy. he ocudlnt’ senve stand up his own father an dsay, hey, man, I dont want to get naild by anything ecept that mary chick over there with the red hair.”), it isn’t something I’ll be repeating anytime soon. I woke up the next morning in excrutiating pain. A week later, my sister picked up some
Jamaican lager and I had a bottle (they’re very small). Next morning, again, woke up in excrutiating pain. Needless to say, I’m just going to go with my original plan of not drinking at all.
Last year, a good friend of mine was diagnosed with ADD. Which I guess is just referred to as ADHD, even if you don’t have the hyperactivity bit? Anyway, we’ve been friends for going on ten years now, so I trust her judgement. When she told me that I more than likely have ADD, I chalked it up to “I’ve got it, so everyone else must have it, too.” Eventually, I started listening to what she had to say and realized that a lot of it sounded familiar. And I guess that, a lot of times with women, ADD is misdiagnosed as anxiety disorder.
Obviously, I’m not going to say for sure that I
have ADD. Only a professional can work all that crap out. Unfortunately, I can’t get help (for anxiety or ADD or arthritis or anything) until I get health insurance. I’m in the
OHP “lottery,” and will hopefully “win” a spot on the plan. I think they let you know after 45 days, so I’m pretty sure I’m not one of the lucky 10,000. My next option is to keep looking for a job offering good benefits. The chances of that happening? Not good. I really, really, really, really, really, really need to see a doctor. For so many reasons.
Anyway. I got a sample packet of this
Hemp Shake stuff the other day. I figured I should add some protein powder to my breakfast smoothies (couldn’t hurt, right?) so I got the
Amazon Açaí flavor. I loooove
açaí. Flavor, I mean. I’ve never had the actual berry, though I’d love to try some. So I’ll be having that for breakfast tomorrow. If I like it, I might buy a big container, though it’s really expensive and I’m poor (and a Scrooge).
I’ve also started drinking aloe vera juice. I hate aloe vera juice almost as much as I hate carrot juice. And, like carrot juice, the only way I can drink it is if I mix it with something else. Orange juice. Apple Juice. Grape juice. Whatever. I just can’t drink the shit straight. For the past month or so, I’ve been having some, shall we say, awful belly stuff going on. I think it’s
IBS. I take
acidophilus before breakfast, but I’m still not doing very well, so my sister got me some aloe vera juice.
So far, so good.
Wow. Longest entry ever? I’m shutting up now.
Thanks again for all the kind words regarding Meathead. My sister is ok, but Tank is still depressed, anxious and confused. Next month we're going to attempt the Colorado Road Trip again to meet up with Curly Joe, so he won't be lonely after that.
I'll definitely see you Thursday.