Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Almost done!

I've got two more days of vacation left. I fly out Saturday afternoon and get back into Portland at around 8:30 p.m. I honestly would not mind staying here another month, but I'm getting antsy. I miss my animals and I feel like crap, health-wise. My back is wrecked from sleeping on the pull-out couch, and I can barely walk when I get up in the morning.

Yesterday, Mom and I went to her relatives' condo to swim and have lunch. I'm glad that I stayed an extra seven days because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to say goodbye to them (they were busy last week). I can't remember the last time I saw them. They moved back to Germany in 1987, but surely it can't have been that long. At any rate, it was wonderful to see them again and I really enjoyed spending time with them. Now that I'm working on my fear of flying, I'm all fired up to visit them in Germany next year. I can't believe I'm this old, and I haven't seen Europe yet. This is where I start beating myself up for wasting so much of my life, so I'll just shut up about it.

On a side note, I'd like to point out that even though I said they were my mom's relatives, they are my relatives, too. My sister and I are adopted, and my whole life I never felt like I belonged to either side of the family. I've always referred to them as "my dad's family" and "my mom's family." A lot of my problems stem from feeling shut out my entire life. But that's what therapy is for. Another reason I'm eager to return to Oregon.

In happier news, I'm going to my second hockey game tonight, if all goes well (the Bolts are playing the Minnesota Wild.) My friend had to euthanize her dog yesterday, so her friend J said that he would take care of the tickets. This may or may not involve us using an acquaintance's season tickets. I'm very excited.

And now, I'm going to do some stretches in the hopes of getting rid of these crippling back pains. Next week this blog will be back to 100% running.

(Me at the beach in Treasure Island. My mom took this. I think she's got a good eye for photography, especially considering she had no idea what she was doing.)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Change of plans...

So...I'm not leaving tomorrow. I'm leaving a week from Saturday. Not my fault! The other day my mom asked (out of the blue) if I wanted to stay another week. After checking with my sister and my mom's caregiver back in Oregon to see if they minded (they're watching our animals, after all), we went ahead and changed my reservation. For only $10 extra!

I'm really happy about that. I was starting to feel like I was being rushed, that I didn't have time to do everything I wanted to do. And that's true, actually. Being sick for a week really forked up my plans. Another reason I really wanted to stay is that this will be one less week my mom will be here alone.

On the negative side, the Self Challenge starts in four days. However, I'm not going to stress out. I can start it a week late and it won't really make a difference except that my info on the website will be a little off. I just didn't want to start the Challenge while I was here. We don't really have any fresh foods and I don't have access to my exercise equipment. I know I can exercise doing something outdoorsy, but I'm anal retentive and want to do things a certain way.

In the mean time, I'm getting out and doing stuff everyday. I have a lot of plans with my friend Julie (including, hopefully, another hockey game. Sadly, the Bolts aren't playing the Caps again until the end of March.), plus! Now I have time to get my film developed. I should probably go do that tomorrow.

At any rate, that's what's going on. I swear -- I'm coming home next week and this blog will resume its running-only status.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm flying back home on Friday. Initially, I wanted to jump right back into running on Saturday, but I figure I should give myself some time to adjust. As of right now, I'm planning on starting running again the following Tuesday. I'll give myself three days of Week 1 and then get back into Week 2. If it turns out I need to start all over again, so be it. I'm trying not to beat myself up for slacking off so much (exercise-wise) while I've been in Florida. To be fair, I've been out and about a lot, and though I haven't been eating as well as I do back home, I also haven't been eating in excess. So that's good. And I haven't lost my zest for exercise, either. I am eager to get back into my routine.

So now I'm just trying to make the most of my last days here. Thursday I have to take my camera back to Walmart. There's no way I can justify having it; not while I'm mostly unemployed. Still, it was nice while it lasted, and I've gotten a lot of great photos out of it. This past Saturday, my friend Julie took me to see my very first hockey game. The Bolts played the Washington Capitals. The Caps won, but it was still an exciting game. Plus? I GOT TO SEE OVIE. And a couple of fights. I've never been one to think athletes were sexy, but hockey players? Damn.

At any rate, next week this blog will be back on track (literally), and I can't wait! This is, of course, assuming the weather agrees with me. I'll be forcing my sister to join the gym this week, so we'll at least have that as back up if it's snowing or, as we call it in Portland, snaining.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I'll be home in exactly one week. I'm happy and sad about that. And very, very anxious. In the meantime, I've been tagged by Christie! Here goes:

Two names you go by:
1. Katie - I've been called that my whole life. My family and BFF usually call me Kate.
2. BT - it's what I go by on my favorite message boards.

Two things you're wearing right now:
1. These awesome green cords my friend Julie gave me.
2. Sort of a beige-colored v-neck top.

Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. Trust.
2. I can't think of a second one. It's been so long since I was in a relationship.

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Read.
2. Work out.

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. To go to the bathroom (there's a guy in there repairing the ceiling).
2. Bubble tea.

Two companion animals you've had/have:
1. Luke - my GSD mix who I had for eight years, and who died a year ago this January. He was my soul mate and taught me a lot about myself.
2. Freddie - my cat. I've had her her entire life (almost 15 years). If I were a Dark Materials character, she would be my dæmon.

Two people you think will fill this out (i.e. you’re tagged!):
1. I don't know how many people read this. I'll pick Jeannie, since Christie has already done this.

Two things you did last night:
1. Watched Supernatural.
2. Ate a (soy) ice cream cone.

Two things you ate today:
1. Toast with dark chocolate peanut butter.
2. Stuffed shells.

Two people you last talked to:
1. My sister.
2. The guy fixing the ceiling.

Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Hockey with Julie. OVIE!
2. [Undecided.]

Two people who are no longer alive who you'd like to talk to:
1. My dad.
2. Nick Drake.

Two longest car rides:
1. Chicago to Portland.
2. From Portland to Seattle and back in one day. LIVING. HELL.

Two favorite holidays:
1. St. Patrick's Day.
2. Halloween.

Two favorite beverages:
1. Water.
2. Bubble tea.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'm still not running, but I realize one (possibly) two of you reading this might be wondering how my dog, Bernie, is doing. The answer is: much better. He's really, really picky about eating, though. The vet Rx'd some bland food, but he won't eat it. The most he'll manage is a bit of chicken baby food, but at least they're getting the pills in him with little to no trouble these days. To say I'm relieved is an understatement. I'm here in Florida for ten more days. While I would love to stay here until oh, I don't know, Spring, I am anxious to get home and see all of my babies. Especially Bernie. He's a cantankerous old goat, but we love him. Deep down, somewhere, under all that piss and vinegar and shameful amounts of dirt and dreadlocks, he loves us too.

We hope.

The other good news is that the Self Challenge is starting on February 25th! I've done this the last two years in a row. It is a major part in all of my weight loss. I've got running on my side this year, so I'm hoping to get into even better shape over the next three months. The prize is a trip to Mexico, which I could care less about. I just want to be healthy.

Here's Bernie, snoozing on one of the two dog "couches" in the front room. That's Spooky hanging out with him. She was at the vet, too, having her kidneys flushed. She is feeling much, much better these days.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good news. For once.

Bernie's still here. Radiographs ruled out cancer and, in fact, showed that the little bastard had rocks in his intestine. Either that or bones, and since we're an all-vegan household, there's little chance of those ending up in his belly. He's spending another night at the vet's and will probably be home tomorrow. His appetite is in full swing and he is looking/acting like himself again. He passed one of the "things" in his stool and the others are also on their way out.

This is the first time bad news from a vet did a complete 180. I still don't even know how to react. All I know is, I can't wait to get home and give him a big hug.

He'll hate it.


There seemed to be an illness sweeping through the dog population at our (my sister's) house. First Meathead was vomiting, then my dog Tank was, and then Bernie. Except Bernie didn't seem to be recovering as fast as the others. So my sister dropped him off at the vet yesterday for tests and an I.V. since we figured he was probably dehydrated.

This morning she stopped back at the vet to get our cat, Spooky's, kidneys flushed (we just found out she's in renal failure and probably hyperthyroid) and the doctor told her that Bernie had an abdominal mass and was dying of cancer. My sister said to take radiographs, because that's what we do; we have to find out as much as possible before making any decisions. More than likely, Bernie will be euthanized today.

That's three dogs we've lost in one year, all to cancer. I just don't even know what to say. I haven't cried. I've just been numb all day. And my poor sister having to deal with this on her own. And I won't get to say goodbye. This vacation has been a nightmare.