I made it through the first day of Week 2! Barely.
Okay, it honestly wasn’t that bad. Until the halfway point. It was right about then that I became convinced I was going to keel over. That is, if my calves didn’t give out first. I try to keep a positive frame of mind while I’m running; think about good things that motivate me. Today, I reflected upon the state of my underwear. At first I thought I’d accidentally been stealing my mother’s netherwear, but then I realized they were mine; and they were all baggy on me. And so, my mantra for today’s run was: ”Myassisgettingsmaller...myassisgettingsmaller...myassisgettingsmaller...”
I’m getting ahead of myself.
I woke up bright and early at 8:00 because I knew I had a full day ahead of me. Plus, I knew it was going to be hot, and I wanted to get my run in before it became unbearable. I was in a hurry and so didn’t have time to eat anything but half a Luna Bar and some water. I was cold this morning but determined to run in shorts. Glad I did, too. It was 54° with no wind, and I had a pretty good sweat going by my second run.
I was really looking forward to Week 2, if only for the change in music. While I don’t like techno music, I have to admit, I do like these new songs.
So I started out the first run, did pretty well. Thought to myself, ”It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.” I’ve really been paying attention to my breathing and my form, and though my calves started hurting, the sides of my legs were perfectly fine. I guess every week brings a new set of sore muscles?
I also kept my eyes straight ahead and took in the scenery. Normally when I run, I watch the track. Mostly because of the potholes. But if I stay in the inside lane, it’s pretty safe. So I looked ahead and it helped. I brought my crappy digital along this time and took some pictures. Will upload them tomorrow.
After my run, I took my mom swimming. We forgot about the new Fall hours, so we completely missed her class. Thursday we’ll have to be there a little before 10:00, which means from now on, I’ll have to get down to the track by 8:00 so I’ll have time to do my aerobics and ab workout before we go swimming.
The upside is, we pretty much had the whole (smaller, warmer) pool to ourselves. It was just us and three other people (old folk). One of them was the mother of my mom’s friend, so we talked to her for a while. She lives at the senior center and said that one of her friends called another friend crotchety and Molly said, ”Well, if she’s crotchety, what the hell does that make me?”
I love her.
Plus, she’s got this really awesome swim cap.
I swam laps back and forth while Mom and Molly gabbed. I’m not sure how many I did, but it definitely got my heart rate up. After Molly left, I made my mom do some of her exercises and then doggy paddle along next to me for a while. Then we sat in the hot tub for about ten minutes. I was glad for that, since I’m pretty sure my legs are going to be sore tomorrow. If they’re not, I’ll be surprised.
I haven’t been feeling too well, but I’m pretty sure it’s the change in weather. Whenever the seasons do the changing of the guard, I get all forked up. Bleh. I was determined not to let it mess up my running, but if I had felt bad at all out on the track, I would have turned around and gone home.
I went to my sister’s house on the way home from the library and brought Lady back with me, since I’m taking her for acupuncture tomorrow at 12:30 and she really needed a bath. While I was at it, I gave Tank a good scrubbing, too. Speaking of which, he turned ten on Sunday! I made him some vegan doggy cookies. I’m usually not that much of a dork when it comes to my animals, but yeah. I spelled out his name and age. Why not? The “A” broke when I put it on the plate, but it all tasted the same to Tank.

Birthday Boy!
Originally uploaded by BlindTurtle.
For lunch I had a veggie brat with sauerkraut and mustard and in a little while I’m going to make Wonderful Winter Squash for dinner. I figure I’ll serve it with some brown rice and a big salad.
I’ve gotten a couple more donations for my Walk for Animals! I know some pretty awesome people. I’m already thinking of a nice thank you for them. Brittyn is local, so I plan on finally bringing her those cookie cupcakes I promised her after she broke her poor little jaw.
Driving home from the pool today, there was a pear in the middle of the road. And me without my goddam camera. Speaking of which, I’m starting to seriously think about selling my photographs. I got my friend’s brother’s wedding photos back from Blue Moon last Saturday and the folks there asked if they could put one of them in their customer show (and on their website). You could have knocked me over with a feather, I tell you. I’ve had a couple of people approach me about buying a print of this or that, so I think it’s about time I start looking into building a darkroom.
Really looking forward to Thursday!!!!
I’ve gotten a couple more donations for my Walk for Animals! I know some pretty awesome people. I’m already thinking of a nice thank you for them. Brittyn is local, so I plan on finally bringing her those cookie cupcakes I promised her after she broke her poor little jaw.
Driving home from the pool today, there was a pear in the middle of the road. And me without my goddam camera. Speaking of which, I’m starting to seriously think about selling my photographs. I got my friend’s brother’s wedding photos back from Blue Moon last Saturday and the folks there asked if they could put one of them in their customer show (and on their website). You could have knocked me over with a feather, I tell you. I’ve had a couple of people approach me about buying a print of this or that, so I think it’s about time I start looking into building a darkroom.
Really looking forward to Thursday!!!!
You know, I was surprised when I recognized a song. But that was just one song. It may have been one of the cool down songs. I don't remember. But the artist was Thievery Corporation.
Anyway, I knew you could do it. Keep up the good work.
Thank you!!
I just had the genius idea of checking Ullrey's podcast page:
Summer Breeze by Solar Cycle
Sunset (Endless Night Journey Remix), and A Trip Beyond the Universe by DJ Markitos
Seasons by Cargo Cult
I think the Week 1 music kind of sounded generic. Week 2 not so much, which is probably why I like it.
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