Thursday, December 6, 2007

Still here!

I haven’t run since last week. I feel terrible about it, but I just haven’t had the time. I was supposed to be leaving for Florida on Saturday, but those plans have been shot to hell. Why?

1. We had to euthanize my mom’s guinea pig last Friday.
2. My dog got a ginormous hematoma in his left ear and I’ve spent the last week draining the bloody fluid out with syringes.
3. We had a pretty nasty wind storm here Sunday and Monday, during which our roof started leaking. Directly into the light fixture in the kitchen. We’ve been waiting four days for this fucking roofer to come out and take a look and so far, no sign of him.

At the least, we’ll have to have some repair work done. At the most, a new roof. Obviously, we can’t go on vacation in the middle of all this. And I’ve had so much going on, I haven’t had time to run. At this point, I think I’m just going to start over at Week 1. It’s supposed to be in the 40’s and sunny all next week, so hopefully I can get back in the swing of things.

I’ve still been working out regularly, so at least there’s that. I’ve been feeling like crap lately; physically and emotionally. Everything that can go wrong, has. After the year I’ve had (three animals dead from cancer), I really needed to get away. Seems like I can’t even do that. So now I’m having a huge pity party and none of you are invited. Sorry. There’s only enough room in this house for my despair.

On the health front, I feel ugly and bloated. I’m in a completely negative space about my body and my health, and 100% of that is because of not running. Since I started the Couch to 5k program, I’ve felt confident, happy, energetic and hopeful about my future. I haven’t had any trouble sleeping, either.

These days I’m depressed, hating my looks even though I’m still doing aerobics and strength training.

I need to get back to running, but it’s hard. I can’t always fit it in, or the weather prevents me from leaving the house. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I’ve got a 1994 Ford Tempo with a bad engine and I live a mile up a mountain. The snow level here is 1,000 feet, and when it freezes, I can’t go anywhere.

It would be alright if I could rent a truck and get my sister’s treadmill up here. My sister wants to join 24 Hour Fitness (as I’ve mentioned before) because she gets a discount through her work. I want to join with her (because of her discount, I would only be an extra $8 a month), but again -- I’d only be able to go if the weather permitted. And it’s a long fucking way to drive.

I’m just in a really shitty place right now. It’s probably the holidays. I know a lot of it has to do with next month being a year ago that I had to euthanize Luke. I’ve been dreaming about him a lot lately. Crying a lot, too.

I just want 2007 to be over with. Thank gad I've got therapy tomorrow.


Christie said...

Sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time right now. Yeah, running definitely pumps good, natural drugs into your bloodstream. So I'm sure some of what you're feeling has to do with not getting that. Hang in there. Things will get better.

turtle tracks said...

Thanks, Christie. You are the wind beneath my running shoes ;) I'm really unhappy, not being able to run. I suppose if worse comes to worse, I could always walk down to the track. It's at least a mile, one way. Good warm up, no? The only trouble is, it's one mile back, uphill. And I don't really have cold weather clothes for running. Blehhhhhehhhhh.

Christie said...

Layers, layers, layers. And maybe you should invest in some Yaktrax? You don't want to slip trying to walk/run on snow/ice.

turtle tracks said...

I've seen those things ... somewhere! G.I. Joe's, I think. Good idea! I should snag a pair. Also, I really need to invest in some cold weather running gear.