Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good news. For once.

Bernie's still here. Radiographs ruled out cancer and, in fact, showed that the little bastard had rocks in his intestine. Either that or bones, and since we're an all-vegan household, there's little chance of those ending up in his belly. He's spending another night at the vet's and will probably be home tomorrow. His appetite is in full swing and he is looking/acting like himself again. He passed one of the "things" in his stool and the others are also on their way out.

This is the first time bad news from a vet did a complete 180. I still don't even know how to react. All I know is, I can't wait to get home and give him a big hug.

He'll hate it.


Jeannie said...

Whew! I'm glad Bernie's going to be okay.

Unknown said...

in celebration of bernie being okay, i uploaded a video of some water polo from the 2000 olympics, so you can see how brutal it is under the water.