My sister won’t be back from Chicago until Friday, so I’m still house/animal-sitting. Yesterday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and upper body strength training, so today I feel a bit more prepared than I have been this last week or so. I ate not too terribly bad yesterday, too. This morning I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast. It was pretty much all I had to work with.
It’s 55°F today. Overcast, a little bit of a breeze. So far, I’m really enjoying the weather this summer.
It’s 55°F today. Overcast, a little bit of a breeze. So far, I’m really enjoying the weather this summer.
To the run! On the plus side, I didn’t even have to put my hair up in a ponytail. I just clipped the bangs back and viola! Love this new hair. On the down side, I was ready to pack it in before I’d even finished my first 90 second interval. Obviously, it’s going to take me a few days to get back into the swing of things. Because I’m pressed for time and out of sorts these days, I decided to do aerobic on my non-run days.
Anyway, when I got to the track, there was a woman speed walking and another, younger, woman running the opposite direction. Oy. Three’s a crowd, eh? I used the second lane of the track for my warm up, giving the runner the right of way even though she was going the “wrong” direction. Because I’m nice like that. The inside lane is the only one without huge lumps or potholes, and I didn’t have my glasses on, so I wasn’t so much flirting with disaster as I was soul kissing it.
The runner passed me again just before I started my first interval, except this time she was not only running but kicking a soccer ball in front of her. No wonder I wanted to quit! Jeezum crow, I can barely talk and blink at the same time.
But I digress. I pushed through the entire run, stretched and now I’m home. I’ve got Meathead and Tank with me because I’m taking my mom on some errands after I do my lower body workout and take a much needed shower. Meatie’s got this weird burping issue that needs to be looked at. I’m guessing he’s either got IBD or (more likely) something esophageal. We may end up having to do a barium series to see where/what the trouble is. If you’ve never worked as a vet tech, you’ll never know the pain of a barium series. It doesn’t hurt the dog, but it’s murder on the tech. Not only is it a pain in the ass getting the animal to drink the barium, but you spend the next fifty years of your life taking radiographs to track the barium’s progress. I have to say, though, it really is quite fascinating.
Also, since Meatie’s mommy is in Chicago until Friday, he’s being a big, fussy baby. He loves his Auntie Turtle, but he doesn’t like it when my sister isn’t around. When were still living in Chicago, and Sis and her b.f. went out to Portland for the first time (about nine years ago) to visit friends, I took Meathead to the forest preserve everyday to play fetch or frisbee to keep his mind off of their absence. Am I good or what? Yesterday I took both dogs for a walk, which was quite the pain in my caboose. Try pushing a big dog in a doggy stroller while trying to control a sniff-crazy hound dog at the same time. Not easy, I can assure you. Then I remember that Sis and I used to walk all seven dogs at once, and tell myself to quit being such a baby.
Anyway. See you Thursday.
Anyway, when I got to the track, there was a woman speed walking and another, younger, woman running the opposite direction. Oy. Three’s a crowd, eh? I used the second lane of the track for my warm up, giving the runner the right of way even though she was going the “wrong” direction. Because I’m nice like that. The inside lane is the only one without huge lumps or potholes, and I didn’t have my glasses on, so I wasn’t so much flirting with disaster as I was soul kissing it.
The runner passed me again just before I started my first interval, except this time she was not only running but kicking a soccer ball in front of her. No wonder I wanted to quit! Jeezum crow, I can barely talk and blink at the same time.
But I digress. I pushed through the entire run, stretched and now I’m home. I’ve got Meathead and Tank with me because I’m taking my mom on some errands after I do my lower body workout and take a much needed shower. Meatie’s got this weird burping issue that needs to be looked at. I’m guessing he’s either got IBD or (more likely) something esophageal. We may end up having to do a barium series to see where/what the trouble is. If you’ve never worked as a vet tech, you’ll never know the pain of a barium series. It doesn’t hurt the dog, but it’s murder on the tech. Not only is it a pain in the ass getting the animal to drink the barium, but you spend the next fifty years of your life taking radiographs to track the barium’s progress. I have to say, though, it really is quite fascinating.
Also, since Meatie’s mommy is in Chicago until Friday, he’s being a big, fussy baby. He loves his Auntie Turtle, but he doesn’t like it when my sister isn’t around. When were still living in Chicago, and Sis and her b.f. went out to Portland for the first time (about nine years ago) to visit friends, I took Meathead to the forest preserve everyday to play fetch or frisbee to keep his mind off of their absence. Am I good or what? Yesterday I took both dogs for a walk, which was quite the pain in my caboose. Try pushing a big dog in a doggy stroller while trying to control a sniff-crazy hound dog at the same time. Not easy, I can assure you. Then I remember that Sis and I used to walk all seven dogs at once, and tell myself to quit being such a baby.
Anyway. See you Thursday.
In case I haven't mentioned it lately, you are awesome. In so many ways, as a dedicated C25K'er, as a doggie mommy, and as a sister. Waddle on and be proud! And keep on posting your runs.
Awww, thank you Jeannie! You're pretty damn awesome yourself. Of course I'll keep posting my runs; I'm practically OC about it! ;)
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