Minutes before we were set to leave yesterday, Meathead got sick. He was hunched over and obviously in pain, and he vomited in the yard. We took him to the vet, but a few hours later he was dead. He had severe pancreatitis (which is what Bernie died of four months ago) and a fever of 106. That's when brain damage sets in. They'd given him morphine shortly before my sister and I arrived, so he was comfortable. He recognized us when we sat in the kennel with him, but pretty soon after that, he slipped away. He was covered in ice packs to try and bring the fever down, but it was pretty obvious there was nothing that could be done for him except euthanasia.
Unfortunately, my sister's boyfriend was at work and not answering his 911 pages. By the time he finally got there, Meathead was gone. It was after closing and the vet had had to leave for a half hour, so there was nothing anyone could do when he started having seizures. My sister held him as he faded away, he drew one last agonal breath and was gone. I think my sister is going to be ok, but it'll be tough for a while. He had a good, long life with us and she says she has absolutely no regrets.
As for Curly Joe, my sister's friends have him for now and will either drive him out here themselves in August, or we'll attempt another road trip in a few weeks. For now, he is having fun playing with their dogs and learning how to pee and poop outside like a big boy.
As for Curly Joe, my sister's friends have him for now and will either drive him out here themselves in August, or we'll attempt another road trip in a few weeks. For now, he is having fun playing with their dogs and learning how to pee and poop outside like a big boy.

Aww. **Hugs**
I love the pictures though. What a great way to remember Meathead.
Thanks, Christie. *hug*
OH, I'm so so sorry to read about Meathead. My heart goes out to you and your sister and your human and critter families. A big hug to you. You are in my thoughts.
Take care.
Thanks, Jeannie.
Oh, Meathead...I'm so sorry, Katie. *BIG HUGS*
Thanks, Ed. It's been a horrible year for us. We humans are doing better, but Tank is still confused and depressed.
That's the truly heartbreaking thing--you can't explain to the pets that remain why their partner in crime is gone.
I gave him some of Meathead's fur to sniff, but he's still confused. He runs out to the porch to look for him, runs upstairs to look for him, etc. There's been so much upheaval in his life lately, I think he thinks Meathead's going to come walking through the front door any day now.
Tank doesn't do well without other dogs. His whole life, he's been surrounded by a pack, and now he's all alone. August (and Curly Joe) can't get here soon enough..
Ms. Christopher spent at least a couple of weeks searching the apartment for her sister, Lottie. Made me cry to see her craning her neck under furniture and around corners looking for someone who wasn't there and never would be again.
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