Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blowin' in the wind

Okay, so I’m totally being a big baby about running today. There are high wind warnings everywhere.

A Wind Advisory Is Issued When Sustained Winds Are Forecast To Be 31 To 39 Mph OR Gusts Will Range Between 45 And 57 Mph. Winds Of These Magnitudes May Cause Minor Property Damage Without Extra Precautions. Motorists In High Profile Vehicles Should Use Caution Until The Winds Subside.

Right now, it is cloudy (and really, really windy) but no rain. It’d be the perfect time to run, but ... I’m scared.

I’m not really sweating it since I can always run Friday and Sunday. That really kind of works out for the best, since Saturday is World Toy Camera Day, and I plan to be out most of the day, “shooting” with my sister. Friday I have a birthday party to go to, but hopefully I can find the time to run beforehand. I’ve got a lot to do today, anyway. My mom’s rides fell through, so I’ve got to drop her off at her Thursday thing, and then I’ve got to drive all the way into Tualatin to pick up Lady’s ashes. Then I’ve got to drop them off at my sister’s house and drive all the way back to the other side of the world to pick my mom up. Then I've got to drive all the way back to my sister's house tonight so we can watch Supernatural together.

So why am I still in my pajamas?

I was looking forward to running today because I got new workout pants! I went to Goodwill last night to buy a bigger water bowl for Tank and a tray for Freddie’s food (she’s mostly toothless and spits kibble everywhere). I ended up buying two pair of jeans (before that I had an old pair of khakis and a pair of green pants. And nothing else.), too. The workout pants have pockets, so now I don’t have to shove my keys and puffers in my bra when I run.

The other reason I’m posting is because my friend Jan was wondering how I got my mileage calculation thing that I post sometimes:

20.0 miles
Time: 11h 38m 00s
Avg. Pace: 34:54/mile

Well, when you register at Cool Running, you can keep track of your runs. You can also edit the start page to your liking. My start page has: my running log, local weather, daily run, and featured races.

This is what the running log looks like when I open it up to log a run, and this is what it looks like as I’m entering the information. As you can see, there are three options for Location. I have no idea what short or long loops are, so I just click on “track.” For Stats I put “one mile,” but I have no idea if that’s how far I’m running. I’m too lazy and/or stupid to gauge it, so my information is probably completely and utterly wrong. I have no idea how many laps I run, and at any rate, the track is much smaller than regular tracks, so maybe four times around isn’t a mile. Corinne said it was, and she went to school there, so perhaps I should take her word for it.

I hope that wasn’t too terribly confusing.

Stupid wind. I washed my “new” clothes as soon as I got home last night. At least I can thank the wind for drying them so quickly.


Unknown said...

thank you for that comprehensive answer!
i hurt my hip recently (not entirely sure what i did to it, basketball injury or something i think), but as soon as my sideass is better and i can run i'm signing up for that.
if you do decide to run in that crazy wind, take an umbrella and mary-poppins your way around. you might not still be at the track when you land, but it could be an adventure.

turtle tracks said...

I'm glad it wasn't too confusing! Ha! I'm sorry you hurt your sideass/hip, though. I hope you feel better soon.

I totally wimped out about running in the wind, but if I'd thought to bring an umbrella...