Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 2, Day 12

I did it! I didn’t slack off again!

Had a late start today. As soon as I got up, I had to shower because I was going to a birthday party at 1:00 and since I’ve gone no ‘poo, my hair get scuzzy in between baking soda scrub/vinegar rinses. Actually, Sunday will be three months since I went no ‘poo. I would think my hair would be done detoxing by now, but what do I know? I’m thinking I’m going to start washing my hair twice a week instead of just on Sundays.

At any rate, since I was going to be around people, I figured I should wash my hair. Then I had to take Mom to Blockbuster so we could buy Corinne a movie. Then it was off to the post office to finally get some change-of-address forms.

Got to Corinne’s house at around 1:45. We love to make an entrance. /sarcasm

I was the only one there not collecting Social Security.

Aside from Corinne’s brother being an asshat about my veganism, I had a pretty good time. I love old people. I love their stories and, when there’s a married couple, the way they play off of each other.

We (me, Mom, Corinne, Corinne’s mom and brother, and an elderly couple who are Corinne’s other clients) sat down to lunch. I was a bit apprehensive about it since I’m vegan and they’re not. Corinne and her mother are Seventh Day Adventists, so they eat vegetarian. Except for Corinne, who eats meat outside the home. All I’d had to eat by then was a banana, so I was pretty hungry. The dinner spread was some sort of loaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli, cranberry sauce, gravy, olives, beets and salad. I took beets and some broccoli before Corinne’s mother told me the loaf, gravy and mashed potatoes were all vegan. And they were sooooo goooood. Corinne’s mother explained to everyone that I was a vegan for moral issues instead of spiritual (like her), and Corinne’s (43-year old) brother laughed and said, ”What cow ever died to give you milk?” I looked him in the eye and said, ”All of them.”


I need a 400 pound man ridiculing my lifestyle?

After dinner (and vegan cake), we made Corinne open her presents, and then we all sat around and talked for an hour or so. Her brother, thankfully, went back downstairs. Then we all went into the front room to watch Ellen. Old people are so damn cute.

Mom and I went home soon after that. I was getting antsy because Tank was home alone and I knew he had to go potty soon, plus the sun was out and I was itching to get my run in before the rain started up again. Before we left, Corinne’s mom printed out copies of the Sunflower Seed Nut Loaf and Oat Country Gravy recipies for me. I’m going to make them tomorrow or Sunday.

After I got home (at around 4:30) and took Tank for a stroll around the house, I quickly put on my new workout pants and a tank top, strapped on my iPod, grabbed my bag and my rain jacket and drove down to the track. There was a couple speed walking around the track with their two dogs, but by the time I’d finished my warm up and stretches, they were gone.

It was 53° out there, sunny with a strong wind coming in from the south. I was fired up and ready to go. The run was pretty darn good. My calves started to hurt a bit after the third run but I worked through it. When I got to the sixth run, I really pushed myself. Not so much that I’d hurt myself, but just enough that I went out with a bang. Since I was feeling so good, I did a full five minute cool down around the track. Normally I do one lap and then head home to finish my workout, but it felt so good to be out in the sunshine, I wasn’t in a hurry to get back.

When I got home, I took Tank outside again and then went into the office to do my strength training.

Tomorrow is World Toy Camera Day, so I’ll be out in Portland with my sister and my Holgas. I will run again on Sunday.

I think I’m ready to start Week 3.

One final note: I think I've gone down another pant size. That was another reason I bought three new pair of pants from Goodwill. I wasn't sure if my clothes weren't fitting properly because they were old (I never buy new clothes) or if I was just in denial about losing weight. The jeans I bought are the same size as the pants that are loose on me but I figured were just "old." Well, these new jeans are loose on me, too. So it's not the clothes, it's me!

Also, I apologize for rambling. I'm trying to keep this blog focused on my journey into the world of running, but sometimes the details help.


Christie said...

It seems like everyone but me gets into debates about their food choices. But my vegan diet is about health for me. Not too many ommivores can argue with that. You can go back and forth with moral issues all day long. It's all a matter of opinion.

As far as running goes, keep up the good work. And start buying smaller clothes:)

turtle tracks said...

Yeah, people tend not to debate the health issues unless it's to insist that chicken has less fat than beef.

I'll definitely be browsing Goodwill for the next size down! YAY!

Christie said...

You know, I am no where near being an expert but I've been thinking about your running form. You've complained about sore calves more than once. I've never ever been sore there. Hamstrings, hips, thighs and butt, yes. Calves, no. Maybe you should try looking into some good running shoes. Just a thought...

turtle tracks said...

I definitely need to get good running shoes. The ones I have now are a step up from what I usually get. My left foot is a size and a half bigger than my right, so I have to buy two pair of shoes to get one that fits me. Lucky for me, I found out Nordstroms lets you buy mixed size shoes, so I was able to go and buy an actual pair of running shoes.

Now, if I had an actual steady full-time job, I would take my ass over to a professional running place and have them track my gait and see what kind of shoes I should really be running in.