Saturday, December 15, 2007


No, I didn't run today. No time. I didn't have a chance to do my strength training yesterday, so I did it today. I realized that the reason I'm not seeing progress anymore is because I need to boost my workouts. I'm doing more reps now, and I know that will help.

I'm going to hurt really bad in the morning, but I'm looking forward to it. One other thing I've started doing is modified push ups. I've been doing wall push ups for over a year, and I felt it was really time I moved on to something more challenging. /sarcasm

It's supposed to rain all next week, but I think a hat and a raincoat ought to do the trick. If I'm going to run eight miles this summer, I don't have time to slack off anymore. I want to do this. Have to do this. It's good to have a goal.


Christie said...

The summer is a ways off. So maybe you can start with smaller goals like entering a local 5k race, then maybe a 8k or something. Just a thought.

turtle tracks said...

That's a great idea, actually. Will you move to Portland and be my coach?

turtle tracks said...

Is that a yes? ;)

Christie said...

You know, I've been wanting to move outta this time zone forever.

turtle tracks said...

This time zone is tons of fun. You should give it a try! Heehee!