I went to Cool Running last night to go over my running stats only to find that this wonderfully glorious orgasmically awesome upgrade they've been going on about has taken effect and it. is. HIDEOUS.
All of my running information is gone. Granted, it wasn't several years worth like some people's, but it was still valuable to me, and I counted on Cool Running's easy running log to track my progress. It's all gone. Now I've got to log in to active.com. But! I can't access any of my information until Monday. And! It's no longer exclusively running. Now I've got to sort through piles of tennis, baseball, Lifestyle Vehicles, singles, travel, golf, etc.
All I want, see? Is a website...about RUNNING. I want it all in one package. You know, kind of like Cool Running used to be before they sold out and became ad whores?
I'm incredibly pissed off. Can you tell?
I'm shopping for a new website, so if anyone's got suggestions, let me hear 'em. JUST RUNNING, please. I could give two shits about golf. Oh, and you've got to log in every fecking time you click to another part of the site. HOW IS THIS AN UPGRADE!?
Very very very very very very very very very very very UNHAPPY.
All of my running information is gone. Granted, it wasn't several years worth like some people's, but it was still valuable to me, and I counted on Cool Running's easy running log to track my progress. It's all gone. Now I've got to log in to active.com. But! I can't access any of my information until Monday. And! It's no longer exclusively running. Now I've got to sort through piles of tennis, baseball, Lifestyle Vehicles, singles, travel, golf, etc.
All I want, see? Is a website...about RUNNING. I want it all in one package. You know, kind of like Cool Running used to be before they sold out and became ad whores?
I'm incredibly pissed off. Can you tell?
I'm shopping for a new website, so if anyone's got suggestions, let me hear 'em. JUST RUNNING, please. I could give two shits about golf. Oh, and you've got to log in every fecking time you click to another part of the site. HOW IS THIS AN UPGRADE!?
Very very very very very very very very very very very UNHAPPY.
I guess you don't visit the site often. They had a bulletin or something up last week or the week before about the site being down for a few days. It should be back up tomorrow. Hopefully all your info is there too. I keep my running stats on runningahead.com though.
I knew they were making a change, I just hadn't expected it to be this awful. Hopefully they'll get things sorted out over the next week or so, but so far I wish they'd just kept it like it was. I'm definitely going to check out runningahead. Thanks!
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