Sunday, May 25, 2008

Four in the net, ready to go. We be fast, they be slow!

I know this is a running journal, so be warned: I'm going to talk about hockey.

The Stanley Cupcake - Game 1
Originally uploaded by BlindTurtle
Well, here it is. My Super-Secret Hockey Dessert: The Stanley Cupcake. I know, it’s just a red cupcake with white frosting. BUT. It’s a red cupcake with white frosting. In honor of the Red Wings, ya dig? My original plans were too lofty for my tiny brain; I had intended to make a stencil out of the Wings logo and make logo-shaped sprinkles on the frosting. Didn’t work. Penalty for icing. Very sad.

The cupcakes themselves are delicious. I made the Crimson Velveteen Cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World (with Vegan Fluffy Buttercream Frosting). It called for two tablespoons of red food coloring. I only had two tiny bottles which added up to one tablespoon. I think for Game 2 of the Stanley Cupcake, I’m going to make regular yellow cupcakes with red food dye. I think the red would stand out more. I think. What the fork do I know about baking? I have a lot of other ideas that I’m not even going to attempt, mainly because I’m only amusing myself here and it’s not worth the money, time and effort. If I was entertaining a group of hockey-loving friends, it’d be a different story. As it is, I have only one hockey-loving friend and she has the great misfortune of living at the exact opposite corner of the country. (I say misfortune but you know what? SHE HAS HOCKEY.)

As for last night's game, well, it was fifty kinds of awesome. Maybe I should say 37 kinds of awesome because Samuelsson got the first two goals (unassisted). I don’t know much about hockey, but I still say that Lidstrom’s disallowed goal in the first period was bullshit. Fleury was out of the crease and Holmstrom (who wasn’t in the crease) hadn’t actually touched him with his stick, but whatever. Kronwall is a joy to watch, I’ve quickly realized, and I still get a big kick out of Rafalski. Here’s to hoping Chelios and the Mule are ok’d to play soon. I mean, the Wings kicked ass without them, but it’ll be nice to have them back. Anyway. Only one person reading this (at least, I think she's reading) gives a shit about hockey, and I already talked to her about all this last night (and during the game). So for her benefit, I submit this awesome shot, plus a nice summary with a better shot of Fleury kissing the ice (which I still feel really, really bad about. Don’t laugh at the poor kid! Let’s see you try and run on ice skates through a narrow passage while wearing 80 tons of padding.)

Indi tells me that we almost got the Penguins last year. As much as I’m rooting for them to lose right now, I’d take them as Portland’s hockey team in a heartbeat. JUST SO I COULD GO TO THE GAMES. That would bring the Bolts, the Wings and the Caps to town. *tear* Still, it would be really sad to see Pittsburgh without a team. I would hate to take that away from them.

Oy. What a great night. I sounded a lot like this**, except without the Indi, the crowd and the goal horn. When Lidstrom scored (what should have been) the first goal, I was so excited, I jumped up and somehow knocked my glasses right off my face. I was crawling around on the floor going, ”Help me...I can’t see...” I found them eventually. They’d landed on the couch behind me.

Also, I wouldn’t let anyone eat a cupcake until they watched five minutes of hockey with me. Sis and Homer ended up watching most of the third period. I’m hoping to get my sister addicted so she’ll want to go up to Vancouver with me to see the Canucks play. What? It’s only a five hour drive, and we can stop by the Supernatural set on the way home. Stop by, sneak in. What’s the difference?

Floor hockey was my favorite part of high school, even though I fucking hated high school with the white-hot fire of a thousand suns. We didn't get to play that often, but when we did, look out. Maybe I was taking out my frustration on the other girls (*cough*theydeservedit*cough*), but I dished out quite a few bruises in my day. I'm sure I scored a goal or two, but all I remember is not wearing any padding and having sore shins for a week.

**Tampa, Florida - February 27th 2008: My second hockey game. (The Bolts vs the Minnesota Wild.) Called in a voice post to my Live Journal. The Bolts lost again, but it was still fun. Anything goes, way up in the nosebleeds. And apparently I talk funny.


Adoresixtyfour said...

Hockey? Didn't the NHL season end months ago? Oh, ended in Chicago months ago. My bad.

turtle tracks said...

Florida feels that same pain.