Saturday, April 26, 2008

Week 2, Day 9 (revisited)

As of today, I've "run" 40 miles since starting the Couch-to-5k program last June. Go me?

Not much to report for today’s run. It’s gorrrrrgeous outside: 57°F, partly cloudy, just enough wind to keep me pretty damn comfortable out there on the track. And I had the whole place to myself. Church was in session, which meant the entire population (of 200) was in attendance. Except for the guy up on the hill mowing his field.

I had on a tank top and my running pants, so I got plenty of Vitamin D. Gad, it’s good to see and feel the sun again. Especially knowing it’s going to rain (again) for the next three days (again).

Anyway, my recovery time was a lot faster today, but I still felt kind of off. I felt really ... heavy. Bleh. And for some reason, my left eye wouldn’t stop watering. Weird.

For breakfast I had an apple (though technically it was 95% bruise, 5% apple) and some almonds and raisins. I wanted to get this entry in before I shower and scrape up some lunch because I’m going to the tulip fest (with my Holga) today and probably won’t have time to update later. But I just checked my stats at Running Ahead, and hey! I’ve run all three days every week this month! How’d I manage that!?


Adoresixtyfour said...

"Nothing much to report for today's run" means the run is becoming routine, becoming habit, becoming part of the norm. Which is good

turtle tracks said...

WOOWOO! It's gonna rain tomorrow, though. Guess I'll have to go to the stinkin' gym.